Revealing the KEY codes for Abundance in Wealth, Health, Friendship, Business…
& Coding you to greater and greater levels of Abundance IN ALL FORMS.
I’ve got good news for you babe — there’s more than enough abundance for YOU TOO!
But it hasn’t felt that way has it?
What I want to say is what most people won’t…
It makes SENSE that you haven’t felt abundant!
OF COURSE — you’ve felt limited by your finances and resources.
OF COURSE — you’ve had triggers around money.
OF COURSE — you thought you were noble for sacrificing.
OF COURSE — It’s felt like you’ve had to suffer for your money.
More wasn’t available to you so you had to settle for less than your soul’s desires.
And… I’ll show you how to change that…
It’s felt that way because you likely inherited one or more of these universal lies.
The good news about inheritances is that…
🪶 You are free to keep what has value
🪶 And trash what does not.
Just because you inherited it… doesn’t mean you’re stuck with it!
🪶 There’s not enough for all of us so we need to compete vs co-create.
🪶 Making money is hard and you need to struggle to do so
🪶 You must sacrifice to receive money and resources
🪶 Hard work = Abundance
I get it! I was raised with those beliefs too but I’ve got good news for you babe… I’m not controlled by them anymore.
You won’t be either.
We just have to tune to the frequency and BEcome an energetic match to the codes of abundance & it begins to flow to us in ways we couldn’t have ever anticipated.
You’ve probably been trying but I’m going to help make that easier than ever. Don’t worry!
Hi, I’m Jill!
I was the girl who hated money.
I thought it was never around.
I felt there was never enough.
I felt I had to sacrifice my health, my joy, my peace to slave away for it.
Juggling many jobs at once.
I would hoard it and felt guilty for even thinking of spending $1 extra to buy an organic apple instead of a regular.
I felt someone was “taking” something from me every time I “had” to pay a bill.
I had so much shame and guilt around it.. I would live off rice and beans to “save” money.
And I wondered why I had such a hard time making it.
The beliefs around money that you grew up with were blocking the flow of money, the flow of resources and the flow of energy.
If you had been experiencing fear, shame, guilt, contraction, or anger around money.. it was making you weak.
Even if you cannot SEE IT YET, what I know for sure is that you are powerful beyond belief.
NO MATTER your bank balance, you can become an energetic match for abundance and take quantum leaps.
I see that for you because I was you! A couple years ago, I was making $400 CDN a week..
We’ve now had $68K months, multiple 6 figure years and had multiple 5 figure days.
I am NOT special. I have just learned, implemented and anchored in these codes and universal laws…
& YOU CAN TOO {see below videos for others who have implemented them to create money miracles}
These quantum leaps are available to anyone.. regardless of your current income & bank balance..
Whether it’s in the millions or red.
YOUR FREQUENCY IS YOUR CURRENCY. Shift your frequency, shift your life.
& I am a master at helping people shift their frequency.
How would it feel to have a sexy, grounded, loving relationship with money?
How would it feel if every time you paid a bill you felt blessed?
What if you FELT so abundant that you experienced gratitude every time you circulated money?
What if you knew you were divinely supported in ways that weren’t yet in your conscious awareness?
What if money became fun, light & playful like a game of monopoly?
What if it was standard to chose the expensive glass of wine on the menu that your soul deep craved instead of opting for the mediocre one?
This is my relationship now with money and abundance and I can tell you it’s JUICY AF.
Money an energy, it’s a being of it’s own ~ our relationship with it determines how it responds to US.
It loves to hang with me now because I’ve shifted my frequency with it and thus my relationship to it.
The best part is that I am a better person.
I have more energy.
I can cause more impact.
Because when I understood the true codes of abundance, I started to become way more RESOURCED in ways I couldn’t have expected.
With money, with gifts.
And from this place of being resourced, I’ve been able to invest in training my gifts to levels of mastering my craft in the healing arts.. To hire a team to resource them financially in what they love doing. And been able to help people at such profound levels that I couldn’t when I was in lack & scarcity. {thus had no support ~ nor couldn’t hire any.}
Clients started to send me gratitude gifts “out of the blue” because I was providing so much value to them from the frequency of love, expansion and abundance that they just wanted to give back.
{& also because I am now a match to receiving ~ living at the embodied frequency of abundance}
The more I give, the more I receive.
I’m impacting and helping hundreds of people.
I’ve received an abundance of gifts of gratitude for changing peoples lives in such profound ways.
These are a result of codes I’ve embodied.
These are a byproduct of anchoring in codes of abundance.
These are the effect of rewiring my subconscious mind, recalibrating my energy body, clearing money triggers and creating a beautiful and sexy relationship with money & resources…
This is why more and more started to come to me and flow through me, with ease, grace and flow.
I truly see that for you too!!
EVIDENCE that it’s possible for anyone who implements these codes {See videos below}
Evidence is the Strongest Testimony
Hear Client's Miracles below:
To share the codes of abundance.
To shift your frequency into abundance.
To rewire your unconscious mind of abundance.
SO YOU CAN BE RESOURCED in ways you cannot even yet fathom.
Money IS energy & who doesn’t want more energy?
If you want more energy, resources and to have a fun, sexy, reciprocal and light relationship with money..
Then come join!
P.S. The reason why you might have felt stuck with abundance even if you learned in theory what to do… is that you haven’t energetically calibrated to the frequency of it.
I use quantum energy healing & Shamanic breathwork to recalibrate your auric field to greater levels of abundance.
& the best part is you can use the activations over and over for life to reach greater and greater levels 🪶
Shamanic Clearings & Energy activations are my gift.
& I’m super excited to share them with you ♥️
I’m SOUL excited to facilitate & code you to your next level of Abundance, Expansion & Impact.
It’s a WIN for ALL or it’s not a WIN at ALL!!
More for you, more for me. Up and up and up always.. That’s the vibe with the tribe.
We were taught others were the source because they wrote the check. I’m going to teach you why that’s left you feeling powerless and why it’s absolutely NOT true.
Come join Surrendering Into Abundance.
All in all, you’ll receive
🪶 Hours of Self-paced content.
🪶 22 + hours of transmissions, energy activations, subconscious reprogramming, energy healing.
🪶 Bonus Live Calls to ALL participants. Dates and times TBD.
🪶 Private Facebook group to share your wins and lean into the community.
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