Private Mentorship with

Jill Alanna

Private Mentorship

BEcome Coded to the frequency of your intended Manifestation

In this Mentorship Portal we will utilize the sessions to heal and transmute the fears & shackles that had been blocking your manifestations. We will get CLEAR on your SOUL Desires & ALIGN your energy, intentions and actions to become a match to your Intentions.

So your manifestations become a byproduct ~ seemingly like magic...

It's not LUCK people have when manifesting..

It's a perfect recipe of Frequency, SOUL Clarity & Alignment.

In this Deep Devotional Portal we will:

1) Heal traumas that had been unconsciously running your life and stopping, blocking or slowing down your intended manifestations.

2) Liberate to Soul Sovereignty ~ attune to what is IN SOUL Alignment & what is OUT of SOUL Alignment. Free the shackles that had been keeping you saying yes to what was not in alignment (professionally, financially romantically, socially). & LIBERATE you to saying YES to the highest timeline (professionally, financially, socially, romantically).

3) Illuminate Soul Clarity getting CLEAR on what your SOUL desires in it’s most Sovereign state Financially, Relationally, & Professionally.

3) Align to SOUL Manifestations ~ aligning to your soul mission, SOUL wealth, Radian Health & your SOUL desired relationships.

I use a unique combination of 13 healing modalities I'm certified in which I’ve combined to create my own personal modality.

This is not a cookie cutter mentorship program ~ I curate the program and sessions to each individual client’s needs, desires & intentions. It’s a DEEP portal of Soul Reclamation, Rebirth and SOUL Alignment which create the SOUL Manifestations.

Expect Miracles & Magic 🪄

Client Love Notes: