Clear your $ Fears & come into RESONANCE with Abundance.
$ is the byproduct Sacred Soul.
Keep Reading & let me explain
Deliverables include 👇
~ understand the Energetics of abundance
~ the biology of how fear of money had been making you dumb, easy to manipulate, lose access to your intuition & become a magnet 🧲 that repels money
~ clearing that $$$ fear for you so you can be clear, grounded, a 🧲 for 💰 & have full access to your I thrive guidance {ps anyone who has created massive wealth on this planet was guided by their intuition}
~ and a POWERFUL Abundance Activation which has created so many money miracles for clients…
{see testimonial videos on landing page}
How would it change your life if you felt supported by money?
How much energy would you have to focus on things you cared deeply about if you never had to “worry” about money?
What if you had a juicy relationship of love and gratitude with money instead of fear when dealing with it?
What if your thoughts of losing it, thoughts of “not having enough” of it could vanish as the fear vanishes?
What if you knew you were ALWAYS divinely supported in ways that weren’t yet in your conscious awareness?
How would it feel if every time you paid a bill you felt blessed?
How safe & expansive would you feel if you knew the money, the resources, the support could never run out?
Imagine how your life would shift if your experience with money was sexy ~ like a romantic lover who amplified your passion and joy?
Join me for this potent workshop to …
~ CLEAR your FEAR of MONEY ~
~ BEcome a MAGNET to Money ~
~ Attune your frequency to infinite abundance ~
You will leave this masterclass & activation feeling fully resourced beyond the limitations of your mind… & in your natural state of infinite abundance.
Which is Your birthright.
Have you found yourself afraid of spending money on coffee instead of making it at home..
Maybe you have read books that said to save every dollar and invest it into the market for your retirement.
You may even find yourself secretly judging others who spend money on fancy trips, or luxurious dinners out.
I know that life all too well…
I would live off rice and beans so I could save every penny I could.
I felt like a bad person if I wanted to go out for dinner or would have an all out panic attack when paying a bill or even looking at my bank account.
I thought that struggle, sacrifice, and suffering were the only to wealth and made me a “good” person.
I felt guilty for receiving (money or gifts) and was worrying about if there was going to be enough for tomorrow..
When I started studying people of great wealth I noticed a pattern. They lived in the frequency of abundance.. even when they didn’t have the “money” on their digital bank.
"He said to me “I am the frequency of Wealth and Abundance.”
and a couple of weeks later got a half a million dollar deal…
I work as a healer for a fella who almost went though bankruptcy living in a penthouse.. and when the number on the bank looked awful he held the frequency of abundance
~ he said to me ~ I am the frequency of Wealth and abundance.. and a couple weeks later after got a half a million dollar deal.
He was so grounded when the numbers didn’t look good.. because he knew he was the frequency of wealth.
I started learning about frequency, and wealth codes in terms of energy. That is when thought patterns and things started to shift for me. More money, more opportunities, and more gifts appeared time and time again.
It was almost like MAGICK.. but it was actually frequency and consciousness.
The lens I started looking through and making choices from was:
“Will this contribute to my frequency or diminish it?”
I realized that money is energy. The more I raised my energy the more money I made. & the more money I made the more energy I had.. and the cycle goes on.
My experience with money is now sexy & fun, it feels like a juicy relationship where I feel I am always supported.
I came to realize that there are always resources, money, and opportunities available to us - but we must be attuned to the same frequency as them to receive them
The more I heal my relationship with money- the more I liberate a greater currency of energy which IS our currency.
How I actually shifted my 3D reality was from the inside out.
A new lens.
A new paradigm.
Clearing the fears.
An understanding of the frequency and a greater level of consciousness.
Rewiring my unconscious mind. & recalibrating my nervous system to greater levels of abundance
Prior to this, I thought “fear” was protecting me.
What I came to realize is fear is the frequency and mindset of scarcity.
I used to think that money would bring safety.. but what I realized is safety (inner safety) brings money.
The more fears I cleared with money…
{using the FEAR CLEARING in this Masterclass}
the more I became a MAGNET to Money.
I had it ALL backwards thinking fear was protecting me.
Fear had also been making me dumb and shutting off the intuitive & logical parts of my brain..
What I SEE for you too is having safety in your BEing~ feeling safe interacting with money ~ and from that place you’ll naturally BEcoming a Magnet to greater and greater amounts.
The energy work in this masterclass is designed to help you clear your fear of $ and thus create more.
Love is the frequency of abundance. Of expansion, of opportunity.
The inner shifts updated paradigm created the outer shift.
Abundant people think differently than scarce people.
Wealthy people think differently than poor people.
Then they take actions and create behaviours in alignment with the way they think.
And that is how they create the wealth.. because it’s available to ALL of us. But we must think, act and make choices in the energy and mindset of our most abundant selves.
That is how we get to our next level of abundance. Otherwise, we’ll continue to get what we’ve always had.
What I see for you is receiving with ease,
What I see for you is lightness and fun with money.
What I see for you us anchoring in how powerful you are at creating greater and greater amounts of abundance from the inside out.
What I see for you never having to worry about resources again so you can fulfill your soul mission because you’ve experienced being divinely supported over and over in your vision.
I see you fully resourced beyond the limitations of your mind.
If you feel the call ~ let’s clear the financial fear, ignite your desires & call in greater and greater levels of abundance so you’re resourced in your dreams, desires, and soul mission.
Get the replay of this Masterclass, Financial fear clearing & Activation:
🪶Learn how our finances and resources are a result of our frequency
🪶Learn how the unconscious mind and perceptions create our financial relationships and drive our decision making
🪶Clear fears around money
🪶Quantum intention setting to activate abundance
🪶Recalibrate your energy body to attract abundance with quantum energy healing