~ deCODING Manifestation ~

Unlock the CODES to your Intention

The Mystery School to de-Mystify the Quantum & CODE you to the FREQUENCY of your Intentions

What if you knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that you have infinite potential?

That you could create the life of your dreams?

The wealth, the health, the relationships, the career, the travel?

How would your life look?

Who would be around you?

Where would you be?

Maybe it hasn’t felt like these were available to you.

Perhaps you’ve tried manifesting.. With the rituals, the affirmations, the positive thinking.. And nothing.. {I felt that nod, beautiful soul}

If you’d like to know how to become “lucky” with your manifestations,

Keep reading…

Because what I know for sure ~ without a shadow of a doubt ~ is if you BEcome in energetic alignment to your desires… the universe will bring the right people, places & circumstances to bring your soul’s desires  into fruition. With ease & Grace. 

I know this FOR SURE.

The reason you’d been struggling with your manifestations is because it’s not about all the “positive thinking” nor “affirmations” it’s about deep inner work, trauma clearing, subconscious reprogramming and ENERGY ACTIVATIONS to shift your frequency..

This is why people who have “tried it all” to no avail have come to work with me or taken my programs ~

and MAGIC happens, they start to manifest, their lives shift.

They all of a sudden become what some people think is  “LUCKY” .. . But it’s not really luck... it’s frequency.

It’s Not Luck… 🍀

It’s Frequency ❤️

Ever think ..

“wow they are lucky”


“Some people just get lucky with opportunities but I don't…”


“This strategy worked for them but not for me”


I've got news for you, it's never been luck babe, it's FREQUENCY


& the good news is you can change yours!!!


The basis of my MANIFESTATION WORK is not what you think.. 

It's not sunshine and butterflies..


It's DEEP…

🪶 Trauma Clearing

🪶 Subconscious Rewiring

🪶 Quantum Healing

🪶 Quantum Activations


Once these are integrated; clients & students get coded to the frequency of abundance, love and opportunities.


Their manifestations become byproducts ~ of who they BE


Examples.. some clients have had

🪄 $150,000 business deals seemingly out of no where

🪄 Making way more tips than ever before

🪄 Being upgraded to first class

🪄 $200 000 investor in the most unexpected way


WHY does this happen..


I share methodology and principals with them but that alone is not enough..


The TOOLS & ACTIVATIONS & TRAUMA TRANSMUTATION I facilitate allows them to BEcome an energetic match to their desires


 From here the opportunities appear .. almost like magic


From here their manifestations become a byproduct of who they BE

(aka their frequency ~ their energetic signature)


Most people are a match to ..

suffering (illness & pain)

struggle (the hustle - no pain no gain)

sacrifice (either or .. instead of both and)

scarcity (never enough.. competition)

Settling (it's “decent”)


I certainly was.

If you're a match to ⬆️, then you'll be blocked in manifesting good health, massive wealth or amazing relationships


The manifestations of.. 

The amazing relationship

The opportunities

The traveling

The soul tribe

The freedom

The health

The wealth

Come from your frequency

So if you think others are just lucky 🍀 ~ you're wrong.

Their “luck” is a BYproduct of their frequency.


Which means YOU can BEcome a match to your desires by Becoming a match


Your frequency is the 🗝 to your dreams 🪄


This is what I teach AND use my gifts to FACILITATE deep healing & energetic shifts for you in deCODING Manifestation.



Bridge the gap between science and spirituality, learn fundamentals to kickstart your manifestation journey & harness foundational tools and activations to attune you into energetic alignment with your desired manifestations.


You are the mirror of the universe - INFINITE in possibility!

You truly have the ability to manifest anything: 

  • The house

  • The partnership

  • The resources you need to live your life in full authenticity

When we get stuck in our scarcity patterns and traumas, losing trust in ourselves and the universe, we close ourselves off from our own manifesting.

If you’d been playing small and have wavering faith in yourself and your potential, that is the reason the manifestations had been small or non-existent. 

When you go ALL IN ~ the Universe goes ALL IN supporting YOU. 

Your manifestations will meet your level of trust & aligned action. 

In this program, I’ll DEcode how Manifestation actually works.

So you can become a master manifestor without the years of frustration and trial and error like I did before I cracked the code. So you don’t have to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in mentors & spiritual teachers like i did to learn these codes. You will be learning the formula that I’ve used to manifest countless opportunities and experiences and the tools I’ve taught others to be able to do the same… check out the podcast HERE for all of the stories.

You’ll be coded with higher frequencies to shift your energy and be able to manifest at a much more rapid pace with ease and grace. ❤️🪄🧚🏻

You’ll Learn..

~ How to set ENERGETIC boundaries

~ Hold Standards

~ Shift your Identity to Manifest

~ Manifest for the HIGHEST OF ALL.

This is the Formula I’ve used to Manifest…

  • Traveling the world & manifesting amazing places to stay free of charge  in several countries

  • Many upgrades to first class & they just keep coming

  • Massively Successful Online Business ~ impacting 

  • Amazing SOUL FAMILY & tribe ~ you’ll find your Manifesting Tribe and support in this container

  • Be offered opportunities to facilitate retreats around the world

  • Making the “impossible” POSSIBLE ~ will share some in the course ❤️

  • Invites to private jets

  • Many physical objects

  • Acting roles

  • Abundance in MANY forms

  • Being divinely guided to the right teachers, mentors, healers, and coaches in divine timing to guide me and help me activate my gifts & fulfill my soul’s purpose

Teaching my clients the SAME Formula, they have been able to Manifest things like...

  • Huge acting roles

  • Getting drafted to the NHL

  • Divine partnerships & Marriages

  • Job opportunities (seemingly out of nowhere)

  • MASSIVE amounts of abundance and cashflow

  • Getting gifted world-class china sets from Italy

  • All expense paid for trips to Italy and London

  • From almost bankrupted to $500K months

  • From $15K months to $180K months

  • Job promotions and bonuses

  • And much more!

DEcoding Manifestation Modules Cover

🪄 Quantum Physics

🪄 Energy & The Science of Manifestation, Frequency

🪄Energetic  CODING

🪄 Shadow work ~ turning triggers into GOLD

🪄 Boundaries ~ ENERGETIC (most important), Verbal & Physical

🪄 Ego Deaths & Tests

🪄The unconscious mind

🪄 Magnetism ~ We are the MAGNET

🪄 Masculine & Feminine Energy

🪄 Energetics of Money

🪄 Clearing Trauma & Manifesting Correlation & WHY it’s crucial

🪄 The Power of Gratitude

🪄 Energy Protection & INTEGRITY

🪄 Reprogramming the Mind & Energy Body to Align your Manifestations

🪄 Deconstruction & Shadow work

🪄 Real life Examples & lessons

What’s Included....

🪄​Group Program ~ Instant Access to over 11 Potent & Lifechanging Recorded Transmissions

🪄Quantum Activations & 30 hours of transmissions to code you to BEcoming a Master Manifestor

🪄LIFETIME access to the replays & live calls for future launches

🪄Supportive Facebook Community for group support

🪄Activations & Clearings


🪄1 X LIVE Shamanic Trauma Healing Breathwork Call w/ Quantum healing

This is where Spirituality and Science Meet - Bridging the Gap.

It’s not about thinking positive ~ aka spiritual bypass *cough* *cough*

It’s about frequency.. the patterns that are created from the rate at which our cells are vibrating (measurable). EVERYTHING has a vibration, even thoughts.

It’s science - quantum physics - neuroscience - and connection to source…

I got on this journey through science and trauma healing. Now I’m spiritual (with evidence-based in life & knowing the science behind it. I embody this work)

Science ~ Spirituality ~ Practicality

You’ll walk away from this course with…

🪄 a deep understanding of how manifestation ACTUALLY works

🪄 LIFETIME access to Practical TOOLS to manifest

🪄LIFETIME access to Quantum Activations to BEcome an energetic match to your desires

🪄quantum leap learning from my many years of  trial and error before I cracked the code

🪄learn from my lessons of what works and what doesn’t
🪄Learn what I’ve learned from spending over $150K USD on mentors, spiritual teachers, trauma healers etc.

🪄Tauma clearing tools to BEcome an energetic match so that your manifestations are a BYproduct of your frequency and who you BE.
