Hello Beautiful Soul ~

Are you feeling like There is something missing?

Maybe you can put a finger on it - or maybe not…

But it just feels like you aren’t manifesting the life you truly wish for yourself….

Well BEAUTIFUL soul, I’VE GOT YOU ~ THIS is my area of expertise

I’m Jill Alanna ~

My clients are people who felt the same way…

They were done with being stuck in repeated patterns in their life, done with struggling to overcome belief system structures that they were (that we all were) indoctrinated into, and done with feeling a lack of abundance.

They were people that wanted to take their business to the next level, wanted exceptional relationships, joy, wealth, and a soul aligned life.

My Job is to use my 12+ healing modalities to help my clients lives finally “click”.

The “clicks” happen because of deep healing, profound trauma transmutation & huge energy upgrades ~ This is what you need in order to get you to the next level.

🗝 To pure joy.

🗝 To love.

🗝 To bliss.

🗝 To happiness.

🗝 To BEing an energetic match to your soul’s desires.

I’ve literally done this now for 100’s of clients 🪶

Here’s a few my clients wins :

  • Landing huge acting roles

  • Getting drafted to the NHL

  • Healing cancer & other physical ailments

  • Manifesting divine partnerships & Marriages

  • Manifesting job opportunities (seemingly out of nowhere)

  • Going from almost bankrupted to $500K months

  • Getting gifted world-class china sets from Italy

  • MASSIVE amounts of abundance and cashflow

  • Job promotions and bonuses

  • And much more!

Manifesting abundance, wealth, and the life of your dreams is


It’s not about thinking positive

I work with universal laws and principles that make up the fabric of our universe - these are literally the codes that build EVERYTHING.

It’s all about frequency... the patterns that are created from the rate at which our cells are vibrating (measurable). Everything has a vibration, even thoughts.

Most people are TOTALLY unconscious of this. But when you start to work with frequency & vibration as a tool…

When you become a vibrational match for everything you desire….

Your life will NEVER be the same…

It’s science - quantum physics - neuroscience, and connection to source ..

I got on this journey through science and trauma healing.

My life started to shift in ways that I couldn’t expect as I cleared my trauma, rewired my brain and raised my frequency through quantum activations..

& I’ve helped 100’s of people do the same!

The science behind it allowed me to devote to the work

and now I’ve become an embodiment of this work.

✨ My life reflects it.

✨ My client’s lives reflect it.

✨ My students lives reflect it.

& what I see for you is your life soon reflecting it.

When the deep healing and reprogramming occurs, the magic begins 🪄

As a highly intuitive channel (based on science), I teach you how to be an intuitive channel for your life.

My 1:1 Mentorship & Healing sessions are totally unique. Everyone is different and we never know what we are going to uncover that’s been holding you back…

I combine Reiki, guided visualization, hypnosis, tapping, Shamangelic Healing, shamanic breathwork, light language, energy activations, sound healing, NLP, Human Design, Rapid Resolution Therapy and other deep and ancient healing techniques and instruments all in one session - again, determined by the YOUR needs.


If you believe your heart is your biggest magnetic field

I’m here to help you clear your blocks so you can surrender to your highest potential and tune into the infinite possibilities around you.

This means:

Manifesting ANYTHING you desire


Living a life that’s overflowing with abundance 


You deserve EVERYTHING that and lights you up and supports YOU LIVING THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS every single day!

Flying High on Consciousness Podcast

Listen in on my insights to liberating paradigm shifts. The tools that I chase will help you live a more conscious, purposeful and blissful life.